Hi Broadview parents and Happy New Year! I hope that you are all doing well and avoiding the nasty flu bugs going around. I am so glad to be back in the classroom (don’t get me wrong, I love the holidays, but I really love being with my firsties and back in our routine!). Just thought I’d give you a little update about what we are doing for the first few weeks of January and clear up a few things that some parents have asked me questions about.
Firstly, we are currently working on a snow man unit (“Les bonhommes de neige!”) after reading the book “La vie secrete des bonhommes de neige” (The Secret Lives of Snowmen).
We are using our imaginations to create short stories about what we would do if we were snowmen and what we think snowmen (and snow women) at night when we are asleep.
For a neat visual art and language project, next week’s “Les structures” program will entail planning and building a snow creature out of clay and firing it in the kiln at Dovercourt. The students will then present it to the class and also have an interview with Madame to explain it in French!
In math, we are continuing to work on basic addition and subtraction. Most of us are finding that subtraction is a little trickier and we could use some practice at home. In the next couple of weeks, our math game/homework program will begin and this will provide great opportunities for practice. Another great way to practice would be with websites such as this one:
and games like these:
Check it out with your son or daughter today! J
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