Reading Program - Daily 5 (Les 5 au quotidien)
During our literacy block this year, we will be doing "The Daily Five". The term "The Daily Five" refers to the five choices that the students will be able to choose once the program is up and running (more info. on the 5 choices below). Each school day we will spend around an hour and a half working with The Daily Five. First, we will do a whole group lesson on topics including reading strategies, spelling/Vocabulary, grammar, and writing. After our whole group lesson, students will break up into groups and do 4 sessions of Daily Five choices. During the group time, I will also be pulling students to work in small groups or sometimes individually on reading and writing skills and assessments.
Five Choices
1. Read to Self - Students will choose a book from our classroom library, find a comfortable spot in the classroom, and will read to themselves. "Children reading to themselves is the first step in Daily Five and is the foundation for creating independent readers and writers. On the surface--like all of the components in Daily Five--Read to Self seems basic and simple. However, we have found that specific teaching techniques can make Read to Self a powerful tool for enhancing all literacy skills." (The Daily 5 p.46)
2. Read to Someone - Students will pair up with a partner. They will take turns reading to each other. One student will act as the "reader" and the other student will act as the "Checker" and will re-tell what was read by the "reader" - this skill is called "check for understanding". "Reading with someone helps readers, especially developing readers, become more self-sufficient and less reliant on the teacher for assistance. Research shows that taking turns while reading increases reading involvement, attention, and collaboration." (The Daily 5 p. 60) Children LOVE to Read to Someone, and why not, they have a friend with them who will listen to them and discuss their reading.
3. Work on Writing - Students will get their Daily 5 journal and write about different topics (some of their choice and some of mine). "The writing component of the Daily Five provides additional support children require to become effective writers. Its purpose is to provide daily writing practice." (The Daily Five p. 80)
4. Listen to Reading - Students will sit at a listening center and hear a book read to them while they follow along. Listening to Reading is valuable for developing fluency and vocabulary.
5. Word Work - Students will use different means to create words (play-doh, stencils, etc.) or will use different work studies such as sorting words or putting them in ABC order. "Creating and maintaining a time during each literacy block to focus on words is critical to developing readers, writers and communicators." (The Daily Five p.85)
For more information about Daily 5, please check out the 2 Sisters Daily 5 Website.
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